Functionality of the Educational Testing Platform
Item Builder
Probably most important part of the education testing platform is a test item builder. There are about 40 interaction types. Authors can combine different types within a single task. There are textual, graphic, file-based and integrated interaction types to choose from. You can explore the variety of interaction types in our demo portal.
The Exam Center uses item builder to create tasks that are either for public use, for use in centrally organized exams, or for use by teachers.
Teachers use item builder to create tasks for their own use.
A task has a main language and may have translation layers for tests in other languages.
Test Builder
We allow complex test structure with multiple test parts. Test parts can have subtests. Each part of the test can have a different response format (oral or written or interview).
The tests prepared in the Exam Center may have several variants of items. Depending on the test settings, the effective variant for a test taker will be selected randomly by computer or chosen by user.
There are both one-way tests (the tasks are solved in sequence and you cannot go back to the previous one) and multi-way tests (the tasks can be solved in any order and you can go back to the previous ones).
A special case is diagnostic tests, where the online exam software chooses the next test item for a student individually, depending on the level of knowledge demonstrated in previous items.
It is possible to set a time limit for solving both the test part, the subtest and the individual task.
Tests can be prepared both by the Exam Center and by the teachers themselves. Tests created by the exam center can be restricted for central use or given to teachers for use, or allowed to be taken by everyone without registration.
There are centrally organized tests (exams) and teacher’s tests. For centrally organized tests, there are several ways to register test takers: either by the Exam Center, by the school or by the student himself. Registration options are determined by the organizers.
In case on teacher’s tests, teacher just assigns the students to the test.
Test Administration
Streamline the process of test administration from individual room and time assignment to managing the administrators.
Administration of a centrally organized test starts with determining the dates and organizational settings of the test. Each part of the test may have different date and venues. Test venues (usually schools) and rooms in each venue are determined in the examination management system. After test-takers have been registered, they are divided into test venues and rooms. In the case of an oral test, each test-taker is assigned an individual start time. As a rule, the test organization of the venue is carried out by the local administrator of the venue, but it can also be done by the Exam Center.
Conducting the Online Examination
Test takers log into the system and start taking the test once they have been granted permission to begin or when the time to begin has arrived.
The e-test administrator can see the status of the test takers in their room and may have the right to allow test-takers to start or remove them from the test, set passwords for access, or grant additional time if necessary.
To increase security, it is possible to register test takers’ computers in advance, which ensures that the test taker can only take the test on a device authorized for that room.
Computer-markable evaluation
Questions can be computer-markable, human-markable, or a hybrid of both.
Automated Assessment Process with computer-markable scoring is based on scoring matrices. Each question has its own scoring matrix. The scoring matrix contains correct (and half-correct or incorrect, if necessary) answers with points. The value of the scoring matrix can be (in case of textual interaction) exact textual value or regular expression or formula. A formula can be used to calculate the value, for example, depending on the answer to another questions. In case of graphic interaction, scoring matrix may contain coordinates etc. In addition to question score matrices, it is possible to create so-called calculated values, which, based on the answers to other questions or the obtained points, calculate a result that can be used as evaluation points or as the initial value of textual feedback.
The evaluation rules for computer-markable questions have been created before the test but can be supplemented after the test if necessary. After the test, the answers given can be standardized, during which the given answers are reviewed and, if necessary, the assessment matrices are supplemented. After standardization, the results are recalculated.
In the case of hybrid evaluation, the system first tries to perform a computer evaluation, and only if points cannot be determined this way, the work is marked for manual evaluation.
Human-markable evaluation
In tests with a central organization, manually graded tasks are divided into assessment sets. For each assessment set, evaluators are to be appointed. If the test contains several assessment sets, then each set of the same work will be assessed by different evaluators. According to the settings set by the Exam Center, evaluators can be appointed either by the Exam Center or by the schools.
Assessment sets may require single or double evaluation. In the simplest case, a single evaluation is carried out (this is assessment level I). In the case of subjective questions, double evaluation can be used – evaluators I and II, who can either work in pairs or be unrelated. Generally, the result of a double evaluation is the average score of both evaluations. If the evaluations of the I and II evaluators differ more than allowed by the limit defined in the Exam Center the work will be evaluated by the III evaluator (who will be assigned a more experienced evaluator). If I, II and III evaluators all evaluate the work completely differently, IV evaluator, an expert, intervenes. There can also be V evaluator – an expert who re-evaluates the work in case of an appeal.
In the case of teacher tests, only single evaluation is used. The teacher evaluates all works himself or assigns someone else to be the evaluator.
Feedback & Statistics
Receive valuable insights through detailed feedback and statistics, aiding in performance evaluation and enhancement.
Our educational testing platform is capable of providing both student and teacher with verbal feedback. Templates for the feedback must be created by the test author correspondingly to the test contents. There may be different feedback for individual student, teacher and group of students. For generation of feedback there are formulas that take into account the score of the questions or the content of the answers given.
It is possible to develop certificate templates for the exams, based on which certificates are generated for the passers.
Test takers can be given the opportunity to file an appeal, using a form in Examodo.
After the appeal has been registered, the work is sent to expert evaluators for re-evaluation. Expert evaluators submit a proposal, which can be to increase, decrease or leave the result unchanged. The expert committee makes a decision based on the proposal of the expert evaluators.
There is more
We are happy to carry out various additional development works to integrate Examodo educational testing platform with your other educational software, migrate data from/to other platforms, or to adapt the processes to your needs.
We have the knowledge and skills to support the administration of paper exams as well. Most of the process in the examination management software is the same as for e-exams, but the test is not conducted directly using a computer. Before the exam, exam materials (e.g. assessment reports) are generated and sent to schools. After the exam, the protocol of the exam is filled in the Examodo. It is possible to choose whether evaluators evaluate works on paper and note the results in the evaluation protocol, which is entered into the information system, or the given answers are entered into Examodo, where usual evaluation takes place (computer-markable or manual).
Upgrade Your Examination Process Today for a Smarter Tomorrow
Experience the future of testing with Examodo Examination Management System. Contact us to get started.