Content block: Multiple choice table

In this content block, there is an opportunity to create a table where questions are on the rows and answers are on the columns. The solver can choose answers with radio buttons or checkboxes (as specified by the task creator in the assessment matrix).
Questions appear in the order they are inserted, but the task creator can select the 'Shuffle questions' checkbox to display questions to the respondent in random order. The task creator can use rich text or pictures for entering questions in the rows and headers in the columns (the pictures must be uploaded beforehand in the content block 'Picture').
The task creator determines whether the assessment matrix is the same for all questions or different for each row.

The following claims describe different groups of reptiles. In the table, indicate which group of reptiles this claim applies to.

To mark the answer, click on the radio buttons or the checkboxes.




Their eyes are covered by immobile and transparent eyelids.
Their body is protected by a shield that has grown together with the spine.
They lack limbs and move by bending their bodies.
They have four feet to move when the legs may also have regressed (for example, a slow worm living in Estonia)
Their bodies are covered with strong horn shields.