Content block: Gap match

In a gap text with a bank, the solver is shown a text and a selection bank. The text has gaps, and in the selection bank, there are options from which the gaps need to be filled. Unlike a regular gap text, in a gap text with a bank, it is possible to choose for all gaps from a common selection bank.

In a gap task with a bank, the creator can choose whether the solver can drag the answer from the bank:

  • into the gaps (Task 1, visible gaps appear in the text, into which answers can be dragged),
  • between the words in the text (Task 2, no visible gaps appear in the solver's view; the solver can drag answers from the bank between the words in the text, this can be used, for example, in a task for adding punctuation marks). In this case, the task creator cannot add a translation layer because the number of words in different languages varies, as does the number of spaces between the words, or in this case, gaps.

The solver gives an answer by dragging choices from the selection bank into the gaps in the text.
If the maximum number of uses for a choice is undefined or is greater than the actual number of occurrences of the choice, then a copy of the choice is created when dragged, and the original choice remains in the bank. If a choice is already used up to its maximum number of uses, then the choice moves from the bank to the gap and does not remain in the selection bank.
Choices dragged into gaps can later be dragged from one gap to another or returned to the bank.

Task 1. The sentence below is for a right-angled triangle. Choose the right answers in the gaps.

Choose the answer from the word bank to fill in the gap, click on it and drag it to the correct gap. Do not release the mouse until the gap has turned gray.

A right triangle has one angle that is ... degrees. The other two angles always add up to ... degrees but can be different sizes. However, if a right triangle is an isosceles triangle, then the other two angles are both ... degrees. The sum of the interior angles of triangle is always ... degrees.
Choose from here
45 90 120 180 360

Task 2. Drag the punctuation marks from the answer bank to the correct place in the text.

Choose the answer from the word bank to fill in the gap, click on it and drag it to the correct gap. Do not release the mouse until the gap has turned gray.

A gap with a bank can be used for adding punctuation marks The appropriate punctuation mark must be found in the bank and dragged to the correct place between words in the text The punctuation marks are comma period exclamation mark question mark colon and quotation marks Are you clear about the punctuation marks Well done
Choose from here
, : ? . !